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I love what I do!
And so will you!

Is it cliche? Yes.

Is it true? Also Yes.

What do you get, besides a skilled DJ and Emcee, when you book with Prime Choice?

...You get me.

Read on to learn more.

DJ Mixer
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Audio Mixing Controller

Why Me?... What sets me apart?

As cliché as it sounds, I’ve been a music lover since birth, and that's no exaggeration... ask my mom. When I got into theater, that love only grew. Fast forward to today, that connection to music has only strengthened, and I bring that (among other things) into what I do as a DJ and Emcee. You see, there's always a reason to celebrate, and I’m grateful to be able to help people do that. The skills and abilities I've learned from my mentors in this industry match my passion and love for serving others.


Whether it's acquiring new skills, consistently expanding my music knowledge, regularly discerning energy and vibe (trust me, it’s most definitely a thing), or constantly learning to better connect with people as their DJ and/or Emcee, I love what I do. Yeah, it's cliche, but it's true. Hire me, and you’ll experience that firsthand.

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